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Tuesday, July 30, 2013
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STUDY: People And Brands Are Using Twitter More Like Television

[STUDY] People And Brands Are Using Twitter More Like Television (Olivier Toubia, Columbia Business School) 
A study examining the Twitter usage of 2,500 non-commercial users found that once someone reached a "moderately large amount of followers — the posting rate declined significantly." The reason being, according to the study, that users began to realize it was harder to continue to attract more followers with their strategy so their motivation lapsed and posting frequency slowed. On the other hand, celebrities and commercial users continued to post for financial gain.  

"Twitter will become less of a communications vehicle and more of a content-delivery vehicle, much like TV. Peer-to-peer contact is likely to evolve to the next great thing, but with 500 million followers, Twitter isn't just going to disappear. It's just going to become a new way to follow celebrities, corporations, and the like," said Toubia. Read >

The Most Popular Social Network In Each Country (Vincos Blog) 
Facebook is the dominant social network in 127 out of 137 countries analyzed. The landscape has changed drastically since 2009. Read >

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Acura Sent 100 Followers A SnapChat (Acura) 
Acura became the latest brand to experiment with Snapchat for marketing purposes. The automaker used the app to preview a prototype of its new super car. Read >

10% Of The Guardian's News Traffic Comes From Social Media (Twitter Blog) 
Guardian News & Media CEO Andrews Miller said Twitter is the best social media platform for breaking news traffic. Read > 

Hearst Poaches Todd Haskell From New York Times (Ad Age)
Former New York Times ad exec Todd Haskell has been hired by Hearst Magazines Digital Media to become its senior VP and chief revenue officer. Haskell will oversee sales and marketing for Hearst's 24 websites. Read >

BII di_social_sentiment_industryTravel & Hospitality Industries Score Highest In Social Sentiment (Adobe)
The Adobe Digital Index team analyzed 1.4 billion social mentions from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs, and Tumblr across 800 companies and 38 countries and found that the average social media sentiment score is the highest for the Travel & Hospitality Industries. Read > 

1 In 4 Adults Have Regretted A Social Media Post (Mashable) 
A survey among 1,000 American adults found that 29% of 18 to 34-year-olds said they have posted a photo, comment, or other personal information they fear could compromise their current or future job prospects. Read >

Google Refreshes Zagat's App And Site Design, And Removes Paywall (Google Blog)
The latest news and video content from local editors is now front-and-center on the restaurant review service. Also, the paywall that used to block reviews from everyday eyes has been removed. Read >

6 Ways Facebook Exchange Changes Advertising (AllFacebook) 
Facebook Exchange Partnerships Manager Josh Butler summed up six ways FBX is changing the advertising industry:

  1. Facebook doesn't sell FBX, the partners do all the selling. 
  2. FBX is bring your own data, optimization, and measurement. 
  3. FBX is for direct marketers. 
  4. FBX has only two ad units (right rail of Pages and in News Feed).
  5. Retargeting is the #1 tactic on FBX.
  6. FBX is not a social product, but rather display impressions running at extremely high volume across the platform. Read >
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