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Friday, April 20, 2012
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Today's advice comes from John Kanas, president and CEO of BankUnited, via Smart Business.

"We believe very strongly that the key to the success of any large company is embedded in its human talent."

Kanas bought BankUnited at a time when the company was failing and billions of dollars had already been lost. As the new owner, one of his first steps was to build the right team to execute his new strategy. In addition to identifying and retaining the best people from the existing staff, they did an extensive search for new employees. 

Instead of just focusing on the bank industry, Kanas looked for people from a variety of backgrounds who had skills and experience that were applicable to banking. After all, its easier to teach an employee the technical side of the job than to try to change their personality, he says. 

According to Kanas, the right team is so important that you can't build a strong company by conducting the hiring process on a budget. 

"It's more work that you think it's going to be. But it's also a lot more rewarding than you think it's going to be if you succeed."

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