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Marketing professionals are navigating the new normal of hybrid work and wondering what comes next in a work-from-anywhere world. We posed this question to business leaders representing industries from across the globe and our discussions revealed five major themes:
  1. Employee engagement needs a digital-first makeover
  2. Alignment matters now more than ever
  3. The ecosystem economy demands a new partner playbook
  4. Customer-led disruption forces the CX convergence
  5. The winners are accelerating work through automation
Learn how these apply to marketing.
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Live: April 12 at 2pm ET

More consumers are cutting the cord and tuning in to different media channels.

Join us for this live Tech-Talk Webinar to hear YouGov’s insights on media marketing growth opportunities, the digital trends most likely to stick, and how media owners and advertisers are changing their engagement strategies.
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Live: April 14 at 2pm ET

In our latest augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR) forecast, we found that there are nearly 67 million VR users and nearly 90 million AR users in the US this year—and those numbers will keep growing.

During this Meet the Analyst Webinar, our principal analyst Yory Wurmser unpacks our latest forecast, including the latest trends, data, and strategies on how retailers and advertisers can capitalize on AR, VR, and the metaverse.
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Live: April 13 at 11am ET

Today’s marketing leaders face pressure in their role, including a lack of alignment with the needs of their business. How can CMOs better tie themselves to the strategy of their business?

Join us for this live Meet the Analyst Webinar, with our principal analyst Dave Frankland, who will share his perspective on the complexities of the CMO role and why leadership style is a determining factor of business success.
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